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NAIRR Pilot Project Reporting Guidance

The NAIRR Pilot reporting requirements are designed to ensure that project teams are able to accomplish their objectives and to inform the federal agency stakeholders about the outcomes of the NAIRR Pilot program.

All reports should be submitted via the NAIRR Pilot submission system. Login and look for the Progress Report or Final Report option associated with your NAIRR Pilot Project.

Progress Reports

PIs must provide progress reports at one month, three months, and nine months into a project. These can be brief—two to three paragraphs. The progress reports are intended to confirm that the project team has begun work and is making progress as expected and to summarize any issues that have caused delays in the project’s schedule.

Do not use progress reports to ask for help from either the NAIRR Pilot team or your resource provider(s). For immediate assistance, contact or your resource provider’s help system.

Final Reports

Upon the completion of a NAIRR Pilot project, the PI must submit a final report of no more than three pages that summarizes the work accomplished and describes how the access to NAIRR Pilot resources were used to support the work. Significant deviations from the originally planned work or reasons for being unable to accomplish the work should also be briefly described. Publications or citable works resulting from the project should be included in the final report.

The report should follow the following structure:

  • Project Overview:
    • summary of the project you conducted (2-3 paragraphs)
  • Products:
    • please provide a complete list of products resulting from this work. A product can be a paper, data set or data collection, model, tool, software, online information resources, etc.
      • Citations with Bibtex references and/or DOIs for published products may be included as an appendix to the report.
    • How have these been made available to the community?
  • Scientific Impact
    • please discuss the scientific impact of the work (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Benefits to NAIRR Pilot
    • please describe how your work is relevant to addressing the priorities of the NIARR Pilot (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Future Work
    • How does this contribute to future planned work?


An acknowledgement of support from the NAIRR Pilot and any Resource Providers should appear in any publication of material that describes work that benefited from access to NAIRR Pilot resources. The following language is recommended:

The Authors acknowledge the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot and [insert the resources supporting your project here] for contributing to this research result.